Martial Fusion
Disclaimer and Information To Consider.
This disclaimer was put together to serve two functions. The first being to illustrate why the Martial Fusion and Perpetual Graphix organizations were created, and why they are put together the way they are. The other function is to shed some light on why the illustrated material has been put onto all four websites (Martial Fusion, Dragon Tales, Perpetual Graphix, and Golden Tempest) without any concern or apparent thought towards security. Both of which will illuminate a great deal about all three organizations, so please, feel free to read on. This will not fall under the scrutiny of the Lady Deathscythe and Trilogy Animation sites, due to several factors. The most important being they are fan sites we created either for clients or ourselves based solely on the appreciation of several forms of popular entertainment.
For those of you who have visited this site a great deal, you may noticed that a great deal more illustrated material has been added. Well, that is, of course, beyond the adding of a completely new website. For those of you who are new to the site, rest assured a lot of new material has been added. But what you may not know is that the Martial Fusion website and Perpetual Graphix Gallery were, in the beginning, created for one purpose. They were created as an homage to the founder of American Kenpo Karate, the late Senior Grandmaster of the Arts, Mr. Ed Parker. These two groups were also established initially as an homage to the founder of the American Kenpo Karate International association, Mr. Paul Mills. We, as with others in the Kenpo community, firmly believe in the founding principles and ideas of Mr. Parker's organization. However, at this point some of our associates believe more in the ongoing continuation of these founding principles taking place within Mr. Mills’ organization.
With some exception, the predominate method of dedication towards Martial Arts leaders would be in motion or technique. This would be the reason behind the creation of the Golden Tempest Kenpo Studio. However, one of the main themes in both Martial Fusion and Perpetual Graphix is to NOT do what everyone else is doing. This is even at the risk of failure. Thus, through these two hobby companies, the creation of graphics, merchandise, and other materials has taken place.
We tried to incorporate elements from the IKKA and the AKKI in the illustrated material as sparingly as possible, along with our own design ideas to keep things personal. Take the logo for Martial Fusion. One side is that of lightning and resembles the outside of the IKKA Universal Pattern, the other is fire and resembles the AKKI Universal Pattern. The two sides come together moving towards the same objective, to protect the lightning bolt in the center. This is the actual symbol of Martial Fusion. The motion graphic around the lightning bolt resembles elements of both the internal AKKI and IKKA Universal Pattern patches. Both of the Universal Patterns were used as inspiration due to the fact that they are depiction's of motion put forth by Mr. Parker and Mr. Mills. And everything in Kenpo comes back to motion.
Beyond the homage purpose for Martial Fusion and Perpetual Graphix, the other reason for their creation would the need for the two organizations. Many years ago, the founders of Martial Fusion were searching for graphic material and training equipment that were different then normal. The items that were available to the public didn't seem to be what they were looking for. The Perpetual Graphix design group was hired to help the people at Martial Fusion create the items that they thought would function both in design and use. It was something similar to a quote from a cinema director named Robert Rodriquez, "I don't make movies that would be considered normal. I want to make movies that I would think are cool, and I would want to see."
Now, in no way does this indicate that Martial Fusion, Dragon Tales, Golden Tempest, and Perpetual Graphix are in competition with any other organization out there. Another of the themes within Martial Fusion, Perpetual Graphics, and even Golden Tempest, is “to thy own self be true.” This means, quite simply, that all of the creations and websites from these groups were made for no other reason then because they could be created. They were brought about through personal creativity, and were moved forward out of admiration for the Art of Kenpo, not for personal gain. The end result being the finished items available through Martial Fusion are felt to be fantastic and are not created for profit. If other people out there like them, that is great, and they are available at a fair (and generally lower) price than they would be elsewhere. And if there are people out there who like the websites we have created, that is terrific. But the truth still remains that they all were created out of fun and love for the Art, and exist without the bounds of praise or fame, nor un-constructive criticism. They simply exist. That is not to say that competition is necessarily bad, on the contrary. Part of humility is not to judge harshly of others when they are doing something they believe in; that is, if it isn't detrimental to themselves or others. However, the truth is that Kenpo Karate is very personal to every individual who studies the Art. And for reasons that are very personal to everyone involved in these organizations, competition just isn't advocated.
As for the other reason for this disclaimer, there is a very simple reason for the configuration of these sites without any concern for security. In other words, all of the graphic material such as logos and merchandise designs on a medium that would seem to be rather unsecured, i.e.: the internet. I can assure you that by mentioning this we are not saying that everyone on the internet is out there to steal ideas and make them their own. However, we will put this story out for a little "enlightenment" as for what we have seen while surfing on the internet.
On a Kenpo site that shall remain nameless we found an explanation of the Universal Pattern that strangely resembled the IKKA's design from start to finish. No change in color, no design change, it appeared to be exactly the same. Now the odd part to this story is all throughout the explanation of the Pattern, the person who wrote for and created the site kept saying that he designed the Universal Pattern. Now, many of us involved in Kenpo Karate could argue that very easily, since the story behind the creation of the symbol has been widely documented. Yet, the author of this site felt very strongly that HE was the creator of the Universal Pattern symbol. The moral of this story: no matter the integrity of the people in your organization, no matter the documentation or copyright on your material, there will always be someone that will feel your material should be their own for fame and fortune.
In regards to the lack of concern for the safety of the material on these sites, it is quite simple really. There isn't a way to make it truly safe. Even if we were to spend a bunch of money copyrighting everything (which we have done), there is still a possibility that there will be someone lacking in integrity who may want the material for themselves. To put it another way, all of the elements of this site are a personal homage for two phenomenal martial artists, and are for the enjoyment of all who visit these sites. To those of you out there checking out the information on this site for no other reason then enjoyment and to read about Kenpo Karate from another point of view, this disclaimer serves very little purpose. The only real purpose it would serve would be to illustrate the ideas and motivation behind the sites. To the small percentage of folks out there that might like to claim this material and call it your own we say this: we cannot stop you from doing so. Granted, this doesn't mean we are giving it away free to the public. Given the nature of these sites, to take any material and call it your own would go against the true motivation behind the site, and when you think about it, that wouldn't be very good. Stealing information from a site that is paying homage to a couple of great men, ahead of their time, and saying it is your own could be considered a little disgraceful towards these gentlemen. Thought I'd point that out in case someone missed it. We realize that the material on this site isn't totally original; however, it is very honest and from the heart as far as a tribute to these men and their organizations. We also have all of the original dated copies of the artwork and material on these sites. Not to mention that the material on these sites are rough drafts, or set specifically for the internet. We can assure you with a great deal of certainty that if any of you out there think the stuff on this site is cool, the real material would be in much more demand.
Our suggestion would be if anyone out there is looking for a logo design, graphics, or anything else offered on these sites, to get into contact with us. Our rates are extremely reasonable, although the Perpetual Graphix group does not work for free anymore (they were biting off more then they could chew). The folks at Martial Fusion are more than happy to give whatever reasonable information is needed about their product line. Although Dragon Tales isn't an official, physical school, they are still doing a lot of consultation work. We will be sure to keep the updates going and documented. So please, our training hall is your training hall. Feel free to look around the newly remodeled sites, and let us know what you think if you would like.
Oh, and by the way, the dedication at the end of each of these websites
is the one aspect that has very little to do with American Kenpo.
The purpose for the dedication is a great deal more special than even
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